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2024  Astro Diary (in English)

Fallon Astro Graphics - ISBN: 978-2-9578116-2-5


This astrology appointment diary
, as handy little guide, was created to aid your planning. Useful when combined with the Planetary Phenomena for 2024. Time is GMT. 10,5 x 21 cm - 68 pages.

Each week , a colorful chart illustrates the planetary motions. Also in this diary section : daily Moon longitudes at 0h (12:am GMT), all conjunctions, planet ingress, planet stations, the 4 Moon phases, the lunar apogee and perigee.

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The monthly pages are followed by a daily ephemeris for all the planets, the North Node and the Black Moon. Time for this ephemeris is Midnight GMT, this is to say (summer times in italic) :

the previous day, 4pm PST for Los Angeles (5pm PDT), 5pm MST (6pm MDT), 6pm CST (7pm CDT), 7pm EST for New-York (8pm EDT),

for London (1h am in the summer),

1h CET for Europe (2h in the summer).

Also, a small address book, the space for a natal chart and for more notes. Click image below to enlarge details.
Price :

25 €

  The daily Moon position is valid for 0h GMT (or 12:am, the legal time in London in the winter), or 1h BST (in the summer).
For Europe, 0h GMT = 1h (CET) in the winter, or 2h in the summer.

For NY, 0h GMT = 19h the previous day, or 20h in the summer.
For LA 0h GMT = 16h the previous day, or 17h in the summer.

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