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Chart  for  Brian Eno

Born: 15 May 1948 at 3h50 AM in Melton, England
Out-of-bound musician and eclectic producer since 1971


Equatorial axis across the 12-6th Houses: soul relationship with people on an equal base.
Solstice axis across the 9th-3rd Houses: his thoughts and believes have a relief.

As shown on the above declination rule, Cancer Venus, the most angular planet, is well Out-Of-Bound !
Not surprising for and OOB musician :-) And Gemini Mercury also OOB completes Eno's exploring and unique mind.

  Data: From Tony Matthews, quoting Eno's mother.
Read in Frank Clifford's "British Entertainers, the Astrological Profile", Flare Publications, 3rd edition, 2003.

Progressed Declinations (all above charts made with Zodiac 5.2). Click graph to enlarge...

- Most progressed New and Full Moons are Out-Of-Bound !
- Then natal Cancer Venus is also well OOB (27° N), as is OOB Gemini Mercury parallel to Pluto and Uranus (24° N). His OOB ideas tune in alternative ways for opening communication. A wide curiosity explores fields like even astrology itself (see below one of his quotation). All this is added to a prenatal disposition where conversed Venus (OOB) and Mercury occultations occurred just close (on the 10th and 12th of May) before birth (15th May).

Precise Progressed Phenomena (click to enlarge)

Eno's quote on astrology:   http://poll.imdb.com/name/nm0006061/bio

"I'm an atheist, and the concept of god for me is all part of what I call the last illusion. The last illusion is someone who knows what is going on. Nearly everyone has that illusion somewhere, and it manifests not only in the terms of the idea that there is a god but that it knows what's going on but that the planets know what's going on. Astrology is part of the last illusion. The obsession with health is part of the last illusion, the idea that there's that if only we could spend time on it and sit down and stop being unreasonable with each other we'd all find that there was a structure and a solution underlying plan to it all, for most people the short answer to that is god."

Recent Discography:   http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-perl/music/muze/index.pl?site=music&action=biography&artist_id=9666

January 07003: Bell Studies For The Clock Of The Long Now
(Opal 2003),
and with Robert Fripp, The Equatorial Stars (Opal 2004).

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